First things first I am only selling "Mator" my
series 3 landy because we are buying a house and need the money for a deposit
quite frankly after all the blood sweat tears and the hospital visit he caused
me I don't want to see him go but they have been well worth it. This old boy has kept me off of the
cigarettes and proved to me what I could use that money for instead although at
times he nearly drove me to drink.
This is a unique opportunity in the fact that you can see
the whole rebuild from when it was dragged out of a farm yard to the last day I
drove it every bit of work done has been documented laughed at and shared
across a few of the main Land Rover forums so you can see what I did wrong then
put right what has been replaced and rebuilt so you know exactly where you
stand with him if you want to buy him.
SO where to start?? He has the military chassis a
reconditioned military 2 1/4 petrol engine running 24 volts across the board
each and every dent is as it was from when it was demobbed then parked up for
the seventeen years before I got him. I did not want to change them or fix them
they are part of it's history. I also have the MOD list of who he served with
along with the dating letter I had to get for actually registering him for the
road for the very first time and what fun that was dealing with the DVLA who it
seems have no standardised format for anything it just depends on who you talk
to and who opens your mail.
Here is a very short list the following has been done but
this really is the abbreviated version as I would run out of space on this
listing and you would get bored before getting to the end of it...alternator
rebuild, brake system rebuild, master/slave clutch rebuild, new shocks, new
gearbox mounts, new exhaust, full fuel system rebuild from tank to carb,
undersealed, doors replaced painted and fitted, all fluids replaced and engine
serviced. This is no where near everything that has been done please have a
look at the blog rebuild at (Ebay this is very important in
selling this Land Rover it is not an advertisement for another website but a
link to show the extensive rebuild work that has been done to this motor so
please don't pull the ad for having this in thank you because I think you would
be more miffed if I copy and paste the whole 200 plus entries into this listing
to show what work has been done!) under the "Land Rover rebuild"
section for the whole shebang or search for "the project has landed"
on the landyzone forum. I have lost
count of the man hours I have put in on him and I will reiterate selling him is
not my idea but Wifey wants to buy a house our savings just won't make the cut
without a bit of a boost and poor Mator here really is the only thing of value
I own because apparently I am not allowed to sell one of each of my four
children's kidneys to raise the cash because of some law or other.
I have done about 74 miles only since the rebuild but this
will climb a little as I enjoy driving him before on Wifey's command he goes
and I loose another little piece of my soul. It is an old landy and I don't
doubt it will present a problem or two as time goes on after being stood around
for so long and just because it is a Land Rover but as he is at this moment is
in great condition fully drivable with his 2 1/4 petrol engine running smoothly
and you are welcome to come and view him just send me a message with a contact
number in. You are also welcome to a test drive as long as you bring me proof
of insurance to be able to drive fully comp or I have the cash from you in my break him you have bought him!
The only things not to original military spec are the front
seats wheels headlights and twin tanks so if you want to put him back to
military standard as a collectors piece this would not be very difficult. He is
also "Winterised" model so has the whopping great heater sitting
between the two front seats which works just fine and you will actually have
that unknown oddity of a warm Series Land Rover in the Winter!
So there in a nutshell he is but please come and have a look
to see him for yourself and the great condition he is in. I will weep a little when the new owner
drives him away but it seems having rent free bricks and mortar for ten years
(if I am lucky) after retirement before we die is more important. Personally I would rather put on the kids in
retirement we have enough of them and why they can't buy a bigger house to
accommodate us rent free for a decade or two just like they have had here is
beyond me!
I am open to offers of course but I won't be moving very
much price wise. There will be no Part
exchanges unless you want to give me a house to live in and there will be no
paypal payments accepted on this amount of money it will be a strictly cash
only sale. This is an old old Land Rover
and they do like to breakdown on a regular basis at this point in time Mator is
running soundly but I have no doubt he will require more tinkering as time goes
by as any landy owner will tell you! So
with that in mind this will be a "Sold as Seen" deal only BUT I am
very happy for you to arrange for one of the breakdown services to come along
and do a vehicle check on him I have nothing at all to hide! in fact I might
even bribe them to say it needs some extra bits sorting so I can justify
keeping him to Wifey ;)