Wednesday, 27 April 2016

US Style Land Rover Series 2

Land rover Series 2 for sale, Nutt and bolt rebuild from bare chassis up, This has a great V8 engine conversion made to the original gear box, new steering box, new doors, new tub cappings, new bikini hood, has swinging back door with wheel carrier, new seats, new clutch, reconditioned overdrive, gear box, transfer box, new reconditioned axles and diffs, new drive shafts, new springs and shocks front and back, new power flow exhaust, new brake pipes, pads and callibres, back has original axle fitted with disc brakes, new td5 discovery rims and spacers, new grills, new lights and a total new wiring loom, engine has a total overhaul, new elder brook, carburator, and manifold cost £700 plus £100 to fit. The inside and under the bonnet was painted, the only thing to do is paint outside with colour of choice and lots more. Can be delivered anywhere in UK. Contact John on 07743575950 Might trade in for defender