The Land Rover Defender is an off-road vehicle produced under this name by the British manufacturer, Land Rover, since 1991. However, the vehicle is the direct heir of the first Land Rover that made its debut in 1948. The first prototype was built by the British automaker in 1947 and it was designed for the army. This iconic car was improved over the years and it has been known for generations as a national treasure.
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Landrover Defender
Thursday 11 February 2021
Sellers Comments - Ex Royal Mail Land Rover 90. Possibly even driven by Postman Pat. Signwrighting can be seen in the right light.
Original and unmolested condition. Still fitted with original doors although could do with lower rails. Runs and drives well with only obvious issue being occasionally jumping out of reverse gear.
2.5 diesel engine, power steering, standard fitted Warn winch. Chassis is in good condition although has had replacement crossmember and one poor repair near chassis number leg (pictured). Bumper corroded but replacement supplied.
Tyres are all excellent, seating in good condition, headlining excellent. Obviously the vehicle has age related wear and tear.
For its age I think it's hard to pick fault in. Ideal for a collector or export. All is as shown in the pictures.