Sunday 7 December 2014

Land Rover Series 3 6x4 1975 200TDI Tipper Over drive Hot Spur

Land Rover Series 3 6x4 Tipper
Believed to be a Hot Spur conversion.
1975 N registered
MOT till July 2015
Fitted with Low mileage (approx. 70k) 200TDI engine by previous owner which runs beautifully.
Very tidy installation and retains intercooler.
It goes really well, pulls up hills without changing down, even with the 7.50 tyres, 
it makes me smile every time I drive it, that counteracts the noise!
Had new:- Radiator, Clutch, Cambelt, Water Pump, Brakes, copper brake pipes, diesel lift pump, footwells.
2A gearbox with Overdrive
6 x 7.50 Goodyear G90s (4 at 90%, 2 at 75%) on wolf rims
New Deluxe trim front seats.
Tipper Motor needs a fresh set of brushes, but it is working.
Slight weep from one of the hydraulic pipes
It is plated at the standard 109 diesel weight which is 3000kg from memory...
It is 6x4, i.e it has a trailing undriven rear axle.
I stupidly forgot to write down the bed size - will get it sorted ASAP.